I was very satisfied with Themis for several reasons. First, I liked the short videos followed by practice questions format. It helped to keep my attention and ensure I understood what I just learned. Second, I really enjoyed the responsiveness. I knew I could contact my State Director, Whitney, with questions and get an answer really soon, which was important when I was freaking out about something. Finally, and most importantly, the practice questions on Themis read like the questions on the actual bar. I heard from other students doing other bar reviews that their questions were not formatted the same way and that it threw them off. Luckily, when I sat down to take the bar, the questions were the same as I had been studying all summer so it removed a huge test-taking hurdle for me.

– Alex E.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis

I chose Themis for the high pass rates, despite no one I knew ever having used it. I am so glad I did! Friends taking competitors' courses told me they preferred mine over theirs. Themis was more work than their advertisements had led me to believe, but I completed just about all of the work and passed the exam on the first try. I recommend Themis for representative MBE questions, short lecture sessions (with the possibility of speeding up the video, unlike some competitors), and great explanations for MBE questions and model essay answers.

– Anita H.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis

It is not an exaggeration to say that studying for the bar exam is like drinking water from a fire hose. I chose Themis since, as a single parent, I knew I needed to study on a non-traditional schedule. Themis’s online lectures and practice activities allowed me to study what I needed at the pace I needed. For those that wonder if the value of the classroom setting is lost with online learning, I will tell you that I learned and understood more about Contracts from two days of Professor Geis’s lectures than I did in an entire semester of Contracts I. The score I received allows me to practice in every U.S. state that has adopted the UBE. If you take your bar exam preparation seriously and follow the guidance you receive from Themis, you will most assuredly have similar results.

– Brian K.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis

Themis is the best! My Director responded to every text and stressed out call. The videos are friendly and engaging and most importantly, I feel I got the practice I needed to be successful on the bar exam, and I was! Themis all the way!

– Caitlin W.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis

Themis does an excellent job of preparing you for the bar exam. The outlines they provide are excellent. There wasn't an essay on the exam that I didn't feel prepared to answer. If you follow their schedule then there is no reason you can't pass. I thought the MBE questions were accurate depictions of what is found on the bar.

– Dana C.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis

Themis Bar Review helped me immensely in my preparation for the New Jersey Bar Exam. It was the perfect fit for me. I particularly liked how "personalized" my experience was. I think this is what gives Themis an edge over other bar companies. You can adjust the program to your needs, while still completing percentages and staying on target. My director, Bob Cohen, also went above and beyond to check in on each and every one of us and address any concerns. I felt amply prepared with the rigorous multiple choice and essay prep. Thank you, Themis!

– Danielle P.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis

I took your course while working full-time and passed the Washington State Bar Exam. The outlines, lectures, practice questions, and every other review activity are well organized, practical and valuable for anyone, whether it’s for first-time bar takers or repeat takers. Most importantly, those incredible professors knew exactly what to expect on the real bar exam. Would I recommend Themis Bar Review? Unequivocally—to anyone. I can honestly say that Themis is worth every penny.

– Eyob M.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis LL.M. Advantage

If you are Type A like myself, you want to be able to check boxes and stay ahead of schedule. Themis provides just enough work to allow you to create and maintain your own study schedule without feeling overwhelmed. Instead, every day I checked more and more boxes while feeling accomplished and satisfied by my progress. By the end of bar prep, I also felt prepared to tackle the biggest test of my life. Additionally, any time I felt like this test was impossible to pass, I was always encouraged by reminding myself of Themis's passage rate. If you put your head down and do the work, you will succeed.

– Grace T.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis

As someone who did well in law school, I thought bar prep would be significantly easier than it was. But even if you learned it the first time around, understanding how to talk in the bar exam language, so to speak, is an uphill climb. To top it all off, I had a serious medical emergency in my family about three-and-a-half weeks before the bar. If I didn't have a program that structured my studying and forced me to keep practicing through the difficulty, I really don't know what I would have done. Themis was essential! I would especially recommend the essay prep - do as many practice essays as you can.

– Maureen H.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis

When it came time to choose a bar prep course, I was really torn, especially because it seemed like all my friends were going with the companies that had been around for a long time. But looking at the features that Themis’s online course has to offer really sold it for me, and I’m so happy with my choice! The fact that I could choose a guided or independent study program depending on the day was crucial for me, because I still had vacations and obligations planned despite it being the dreaded “summer of bar prep.” While my friends were watching 4-hour Con Law lectures, I was watching short, 25-min chapters that had multiple-choice questions immediately after to solidify my understanding of the content. I have recommended Themis to all my 2L friends!

– Olivia S.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis LL.M. Advantage

The greatest thing about Themis is how they have simplified the most complicated aspects of the bar exam. I was a LL.M. candidate, with little to no knowledge about the US legal system, nor did I know anything about Texas laws, yet even without taking the LL.M. Advantage option I was able to successfully tackle the bar. The course is simple, flexible and the Themis team is always there to help you if you get stuck. The outlines are easy to follow, the lectures simplify the most complicated of laws, and the practice exams and personal essay graders thoroughly train you to understand and tackle the bar exam format.

– Neha G.
Passed the Texas Bar Exam with Themis

I shouldn't have passed the Texas bar exam in my first try. I had everything going against me, but I think that Themis had exactly what I needed to pass. I worked full time the entire time I studied, I have two children under 9, I travel for work, I don't work in the legal field, I've never taken a bar exam before, I didn't do all that great in law school. I took Themis, and I passed the TX exam on my first try. I am so pleased with Themis and the support I got.

– Rachel H.
Passed the Texas Bar Exam with Themis

After hearing classmates talk about their "other company" bar review courses, I worried whether I made the right choice. Then, I received a call from my Themis advisor. He told me that my MBE practice question scores looked good and how I should change my study plan for the next two weeks. He encouraged me to try getting to 75%+ course completion, but he reassured me that I was doing well and will be ready for the exam. The weekend before the exam, I finally gave in and told myself to trust the experience of Themis. My law school brain kept telling me I knew more than all of the bar prep professionals and there must be something more, something they missed, that I should have done to prepare. I was wrong. They were right. I passed. Trust Themis.

– Daniel N.
Passed the Pennsylvania Bar Exam with Themis

As much as one can enjoy bar prep, I really did enjoy this program. The lectures were kept to a reasonable time and most of the lecture professors were entertaining enough to keep your interest. The review questions and explanations were super helpful- ALWAYS read the explanations! I liked that Themis had a huge base of practice multiple-choice questions and it took a while to see any repeats (I did almost 2500 practice questions, for reference). The dedicated essay graders were great too, had quick answers and they were straight to the point. After speaking with students who took other commercial bar prep classes, I felt that Themis most closely related to the actual exam day and most adequately prepared their students. I would absolutely recommend Themis to future law students.

– Kathleen P.
Passed the Pennsylvania Bar Exam with Themis

I highly recommend Themis Bar Prep to everyone! During the bar exam I felt completely prepared and after the test when so many people who took other courses were worrying, I felt very confident that I had done well. The course provided so many practice essays that covered so many different topics that when I was taking the actual bar exam, I felt like I was just taking another practice exam at my dining room table. Thank you Themis for providing such an amazing bar review course and allowing me to feel confident during and after the exam!

– Cosette T.
Passed the New York Bar Exam with Themis

Themis was just right for me. Gave me plenty of flexibility and at the same time carefully organized its lectures into small segments. I was reasonably confident going into the exam and felt well prepared. I did not very strictly follow every single piece of preparatory step Themis said, and it really depends on each person. But, Themis gave me the structure and flexibility I needed. Almost all of the professors involved teaching were really good. There is no reason why you should be paying more money to a competitor to get the same or potentially lesser quality. The practice exams and full simulation test were especially useful. Themis is a great choice for a bar review course. You will not be disappointed!

– Shriram E.
Passed the New York Bar Exam with Themis

I used Themis for the MPRE and a third year course provided by my school so it was my first choice for bar prep. I’m a very structured person and I can’t learn in chaos so the detailed calendar of daily tasks was very helpful. The instructors for the subjects know the material very well and the way the practice exams are set up is very similar to the actual bar exam. I was able to complete almost 90% of the course in addition to other study materials and passed the exam on my first try!

– Toneisha M.
Passed the New York Bar Exam with Themis

I found out I passed this morning, and I am thrilled to share that Themis was the secret to getting here. I appreciated the disclosure of bar passage rates when I was selecting my bar prep package, but it really was the program itself that was the perfect fit for me. Individualized attention if I wanted or needed it, REAL MBE questions (it makes a difference), and coverage of everything I needed to get the job done.

– Margaret N.
Passed the Illinois Bar Exam with Themis

Themis straight up rocks! Just follow their schedule, do the assignments, listen to the lectures, and you pass. The lecturers are also amazing and funny and make sitting through hour long videos as bearable as is humanly possible. Themis all day.

– Alex B.
Passed the Florida Bar Exam with Themis

Themis is the best. Everyone taking other bar prep companies were envious of the courses, content, and guidance. I am ecstatic that I chose Themis. I passed everything! Additionally, you cannot go wrong when a company actually publishes their results! 10/10 would recommend.

– Daniel K.
Passed the Florida Bar Exam with Themis

Studying for the bar exam can be a daunting task, however Themis makes the process so much more manageable. I covered just as much material if not more than other companies but was able to do so at my own pace and on my own schedule. The website ran flawlessly the entire summer which was not the case for other companies. The practice questions also accurately reflected the style of actual bar exam questions. Studying for the bar exam would have been far more challenging if I choose any other prep course than Themis. I appreciated the flexibility, simplicity, and excellent lectures.

– Tony B.
Passed the D.C. Bar Exam with Themis

Thanks to Themis I prepared for the California Bar exam on my own terms. I brought my online books, tests, and outlines with me to a camping trip in Norway. I practiced the MBE on my flight to Oslo and memorized outlines during my ferry ride to the Arctic Circle. I took a long study break to attend a music festival with friends. When I returned home the Themis study plan adapted to my progress and helped me finish enough material to pass the exam.

– Derek J.
Passed the California Bar Exam with Themis

Themis is the only major bar prep company that publishes its pass rates, and when I was considering which company I wanted to sign up with, the fact that Themis's pass rates were published and were so high was definitely a factor. I was turned off by the fact that companies charging significantly more for bar prep either didn't feel their pass rates were pertinent information to the choice of bar prep company, or, worse, that their pass rates weren't high enough to justify the exorbitant prices they charged. I would definitely encourage students looking for a bar prep course to pick Themis. There's no need to spend more money on a course that isn't as effective.

– Madison S.
Passed the Uniform Bar Exam with Themis

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